About / Ragnhild Joest Harbeck / Scenes (Scener) / Self Portrait / part of Photo Collage from Installation Art / 1997
About / Ragnhild Joest Harbeck / Scenes (Scener) / Self Portrait / part of Photo Collage from Installation Art / 1997
About / Ragnhild Joest Harbeck / Scenes (Scener) / Self Portrait / part of Photo Collage from Installation Art / 1997


RAGNHILD JOEST HARBECK – billedkunstner –  medlem af Billedkunstnernes Forbund (BKF)

”...Også andre værker rækker ud mod noget æstetisk og abstrakt, som Ragnhild Joest Harbecks fornemme, næsten smagfulde akrylmaleri” – Peter Michael Hornung / kunstkritikker / Politiken



RJH er billedkunstner, og arbejder med maleri, installationskunst, objekt, digital kunst og grafisk print.

RJH tog efter gymnasiet et ophold på Holbæk Kunsthøjskole. Dernæst grafik- og grundskole semestre på Aalborg Kunstskole.

RJH er efterfølgende uddannet som grafisk designer, og med en 1-årig overbygning som multimediedesigner, siden hen suppleret med ophold på Ærø Kunsthøjskole.

RJH har blandt andet udstillet på de danske censurerede udstillinger KE, KP og KS, og på Art CPH, Kunsthal Nord, Hjørring Kunstmuseum, Øksnehallen, adskillige kunstforeninger og på gallerier i DK.



Spændingsfeltet mellem buens yderpunkter angiver at scenen er sat i et blink i tid og rum. Fragmenter bliver trukket frem og skubbet bagud på fladen og konkretiserer bevægelsen.

Balancen drages mod den umulige forvrængning, og enderne samles og balanceres med en nerves vibration.

Billedets elastiske rum i vekselvirkning mellem fladens komponenter - gardiner der blafrer i vinden, rytmen i gentagelsens struktur, driften mod spiralens center, en skæv organisme folder sig ud.

Det underfundige og uopdagede land er åbent for udforskning.



RAGNHILD JOEST HARBECK – visual artist –  member of Danish Visual Artists (BKF)

 "...Also other pieces of artworks reach out to something aesthetic and abstract, as Ragnhild Joest Harbeck's distinguished, almost tasteful acrylic paintings" – Peter Michael Hornung / art critic / Politiken



RJH is a visual artist working in the field of painting, installation art and objects, digital art and graphic printing. 

After finishing high school, RJH took an art course at Holbæk Kunsthøjskole. Followed by graphic- and art classes at Aalborg Kunstskole.

RJH is subsequently educated as a graphic designer, and supplemented by a 1-year multimedia designer course, and with artist courses at Ærø Kunsthøjskole.

She has among others exhibited at the Danish censored exhibitions KE, KP and KS, and at Art CPH, Kunsthal Nord, Hjørring Art Museum, Øksnehallen, and at several art associations and art galleries in DK.



The tension between the ends of the arc, indicates that the stage is set, in a second of time and space. The fragments are arranged on the surface and shows the movement.

The balance is drawn against the impossible distortion, and the ends are collected and balanced with the vibration of a nerve.

The elastic space between the elements of the image - the curtains blowing in the wind, the rhythm of the repeating form of structure, drawn to the center of the twirl, a twisted organism is unfolding.

The subtle and undiscovered land is ready for search.



About / Ragnhild Joest Harbeck / Scenes (Scener) / Self Portrait / part of Photo Collage from Installation Art / 1997

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